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Lough Gur & District Historical Society was founded in 1984 and has a regular membership of 80 plus. It aims for ten events annually between lectures and field trips. Its major achievement is the publishing of thirteen historical journals. Number thirteen was launched in 2004 to celebrate 20 active years. Number 14 was launched this month.
Chairman : Tom Meany.
Secretary : Noel Dempsey.
Editor of Journal: Elizabeth Clifford
Kilmallock Journal
The 2006 Kilmallock Journal is now on sale in the town. The Journal contains a mix of articles dating from the 1800's up to the present day. Tributes is paid to the life and work of Mainchin Seoighe, a long time contributor to the Limerick Leader and author of over a dozen books who died this year. His great work of local interest is the Story of Kilmallock which is an invaluable source of information about the history of Kilmallock. The journal which costs €10 is on sale at the museum which is open between 11am and 3pm Monday to Friday and in the following shops O'Keeffe's, Londis on Sheare's Street, Maureen Feores on Sarsfield Street and Abbey Printers and Centra on Lord Edward Street.